When a person dies, their family is faced with an important decision – whether to choose cremation or burial for their loved one. There are a wide variety of reasons why people opt for cremation and for traditional burial, and I’ve provided some historical background on both methods of disposing of a loved one’s remains. Holy Cross Cemetery & Funeral Center also offers various special programs and events for our faith community throughout the year, serving the living and honoring loved ones that have gone before us. Give them a call at (925) 757-0658 for your needs.
NO! This is his mother, Jody Wood, replying to this question and I can guarantee that my precious son is NOT buried at this cemetery. The whole "memory stone" incident is a scam to get money from a go-fund-me account created by a extremely sick and delusional fan of Ry's. Please do not contribute to the go-fund-me account that is a fraud regarding my son. If you truly care for my son, please share the respect and truth about this fraudulent scheme. Use your money to take care of your family, put food on your table, gas in your car to get to work and to help others in need, as Ryan and myself want your hard earned money to be spent on. You don't need a rock, or monument or tree to honor and be with a Loved One. Just keep them in your heart, speak to them from your heart and care for others until you are once again holding them in your arms.
Thank you for your love and support of my son Ryan "Woodie" Wood and his music. Much Love to All of You, Jody Wood / Woodie"/ East Co. Co.
6 years ago
Q:Is Holy Cross Cemetery for Catholics only ?
Absolutely not...my mom and aunts were christian... and when you doing the paperwork that question doesn't appear.
JJavy Pal
3 years ago
We serve all faiths and practice the Rites of Christian Burial. Thank-you Nethe. Please call our office to schedule a tour of our beautiful funeral chapel(s) and cemetery grounds.